Monday, February 15, 2021

Learning Objectives: Week of 2/16

Bridie is our MVP this week! Her poster will be hung in our room and her MVP slide will be on our blog soon! No school, Monday, 2/15! I will see you on Tuesday, 2/16! Please stay tuned since the weather can force it to be a virtual day for all!

This Week's Learning Objectives: 

*Math: Chapter 6 Multiplication Tables of 2, 5, and 10 (wrap up)

*This week is review week! Skills in ELA will be reviewed and assessed!

*Spelling: long e patterns (e,ee,ea,y). Long o patterns (o,oa,ow), compound words, long i patterns (i,ie,ight,y), and comparative endings (-er,-est)

*Conventions: verbs, verbs with singular & plural nouns, verbs for present, past, & future, and verbs am, is, are, was, were

*Reading: building reading stamina/author’s purpose, drawing conclusions, compare/contrast, sequence, and fact/opinion

*Writing: Opinion

Social Studies: President’s Day/Random Acts of Kindness

Science: States of Matter


*Cohort A: Please don't forget your GREEN math folder, PURPLE language arts folder, BLUE writing folder, TAKE HOME folder, water bottle, snack, CHARGED ipad and headphones. 

*Cohort B: Please see our hybrid schedule for our 3 ZOOM times on Monday and Tuesday. 

*If students are home on days they are typically at NPE, please have them ZOOM if possible so they can still be counted present. I will share Asynchronous work so it can be completed. 

*Please continue to check your child's Seesaw journal to verify all assigned work has been completed.