Friday, June 4, 2021

Learning Objectives: Week of 6/7

Students shared their Animal Research Google slides with the class. They were AWESOME! You can see your child's presentation using their iPad and the Slides app! I hope you check them out!

Next Week's Learning Objectives: 
*Math: wrap up Chapter 14: Time and start Ch. 17 Picture Graphs
*Spelling: Final Syllables -tion, -ture, -ion
*Conventions: Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases
*Reading: building reading stamina/Draw Conclusions
*Writing: State Research/EOY assessments
*Social Studies: The History of Cowboys 
*Specials: Library (please locate and return library books at earliest convenience)

*Please return my small white boards and any NPE textbooks/materials you may still have from our time learning virtually.
*As I mentioned last week, no more homework! I don’t know who is more excited, me, students, or parents! :)
*Please help your child come to school prepared and check backpacks for: charged iPad/headphones and take home folder.
*Please clean out folders before Monday :)